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So, you had your planning application approved and then you had another thought about the design or your builder suggested you should do something a bit different. Don’t panic, rather than start all over again with a new planning application you can submit an application for a non-material amendment to request a minor variation.
For example, let’s say you had plans approved for an extension and you now wish to move a window. As long as it will not impact any planning policies such as privacy you can submit an application for a non-material amendment.
Of course, this is just an example, but you can do the same for any minor changes to design providing it will not have a significant impact or breach any planning policies.
You can submit one application to request a variation without paying an additional fee to your planning authority. The application must be made within 12 months of the approval date, it must be for the same development and must not change the overall character of the development.
Unfortunately, even though it may be a very minor change to the application the planning authority will still take 8 weeks to process the application and reach a decision.
If you would like to know whether your variation is feasible and what the likelihood of success is then contact us today to speak with one of our expert planning consultants today.
Get in touch!